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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Please can someone help -
    Im stock with this Fanuc Alarm: 252 ATC SPINDLE ALARM that keep happening every time my Robodril is about to index.
    I found this online
    "An excessive error arose during spindle positioning for ATC. For details, refer to diagnosis No. 531. (Only for ROBODRILL)"

    what do i look for when I go to diagnosis 531...all bits are 0


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    This is what I found on the alarm.

    252 ATC spindle alarm

    Tool change is specified in the
    spindle positioning mode(M19)

    Correct the program
    after resetting the system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Hello there...Thank you for you replay.

    Correct the program?????
    The header in the program is the same in all the programs
    O1234 (SAMPLE)
    G49Z53Z0. (Home Z)
    G53X10.Y0.(safe index zone)
    I'll check anyway, the funny thing this happens every time the machine is down for break o for the end of the shift.
    If you think of anything else please share.

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Maybe this will help:
    - If you use M19s instruction be sure to set an M05 before performing a tool change M06
    - Be sure to cancel the cutter compensation, tool length compensation, or canned
    cycle. (Commands G49 and G80 may be specified within the block for M06.)
    - Spindle orientation
    When the high–speed spindle holder is attached to the ROBODRILL
    spindle, the orientation mode is maintained.
    Normally in the ROBODRILL, pressing the reset key or specifying
    an M code to end machining (M02 or M30) cancels the spindle
    orientation mode. When the high–speed spindle holder is attached,
    however, such operations do not cancel the spindle orientation.
    When the ROBODRILL is in the emergency stop state, the
    orientation mode of the spindle is canceled temporarily. When the
    emergency stop state is released, the spindle enters the orientation
    mode again.
    The spindle orientation mode is canceled by specifying M code M05.
    The spindle orientation mode is also canceled by turning off the
    power to the ROBODRILL.
    In the spindle orientation mode, specifying an M06 command or
    pressing the tool change button on the operator’s panel results in
    alarm 252 indicating an ATC spindle alarm. So do not perform such
    operations. If you perform such an operation by mistake, turn off the
    power to the ROBODRILL then back on to release the alarm.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    when is ready to index go in diagnose and check the parameter 445 -that will show you the position of the spindle for tool change---you will find a value there eg:357,or 1234
    than check this value that is set in parameter 4077 and 4073
    if the value in paramters 4073 and 4077 is not the same than it means that when the index it is performed it move the spindle for its position
    you can aliign by hand the spindle to fit perfect the tool when will index,read the value from 445 and write it in 4073 and 4077.
    good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Thanks man -
    Everything checks good, all the safety codes are there.
    Now is I'm also getting an over travel Z+ alarm, right before indexing

    So frustrating...They may call for outside help


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Hello there -
    I did go to diagnosis 445, but I dont have that diagnosis number, I have 450 (Spindle motion error) and is 0 all the time. Parameters 4077 and 4073 are (849)
    Any ideas


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Im having the exact same issue on my RoboDrill. the 252 alarm will only come up after the machine has sat for a little while and does it on the first index (Tool change button, not program),

    after running through turret restoration it will run fine the rest of the day without errors. but the next morning the same thing,.

    What did you end up finding to fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    Is there someone can help me with this one. I have the same problem here.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: 252 ATC alarm robodrill T14iA

    do you find what is problem?
    I have same problem...
    Can you help?

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