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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Axis B MA-60HB

    I have alarm 2712-08 Confirmation of release of axis B 3BD4. I understand in advance that the fault is because the B axis does not clamp but when checking the sensors they are off but I do not have a short circuit either. I find that I have no alignment on the electrical panel of the B axis. Therefore neither of the two sensors send me the signal. The strange thing is that I already have this fault in two machines which makes me think that the fault is due to some condition.

  2. #2

    Re: Axis B MA-60HB

    Quote Originally Posted by Tokerpan View Post
    I have alarm 2712-08 Confirmation of release of axis B 3BD4. I understand in advance that the fault is because the B axis does not clamp but when checking the sensors they are off but I do not have a short circuit either. I find that I have no alignment on the electrical panel of the B axis. Therefore neither of the two sensors send me the signal. The strange thing is that I already have this fault in two machines which makes me think that the fault is due to some condition.
    Could it be the cable problem between the sensors and the CNC controller?

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