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  1. #1

    Biesse Rover 20 Advice

    Hello all,
    I work for an aluminum boat builder in Washington State. A few years ago we bought a rover 20 from a cabinet shop thinking it would be a plug and play setup. Like usual, that was not the case. An ex employee was the one who was working on this machine and no one at the shop has much experience setting these machines up. We had talked to Biesse directly maybe two years ago and determined the old NC410 needed to be upgraded. They sold us an HP desktop with NC500 installed on it. We had hooked it up and finally got the rover to move a bit. I know the last time we had messed with it we were encountering an error code or two for what I believe was some sensors. Unfortunately the employee with any knowledge of this unit is no longer with us. I have contacted Biesse about getting a service tech to help get it sorted and working but they say they do not have any techs with experience on these older units. My main question is, does anyone know of a service tech that is experienced with these that can travel to Port Angeles in Washington State to help get it running? I basically know nothing about running these but would be inclined to try my best if someone was able to basically walk me through everything. Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2

    Re: Biesse Rover 20 Advice

    hi, just came across this thread. i run a rover 20, what was it with the 410 that it needed upgrading? i use the nc410

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