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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Cannot delete file memory

    I have Fanuc OMA. Has 32K memory. Control shows it has "0" memory left but it will not let me delete programs in memory - says it doesn't have any files in memory.
    Is there a Parameter setting controlling this? And which one?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Cannot delete file memory

    Fanuc has a protected area where system files are kept away from the curious operator. The most common is the toolchange macro. These are in the O8000 to O9999 range.
    Memory would be used up & files not be able to be seen, UNTIL you un-protect this range.
    Once unprotected, carefully rename/delete or copy files. And restore the protected status of that area.

    Removing the wrong files can stop your machine from functioning correctly.

    I suggest doing a backup copy of parameters and macros whilst unprotected
    I am unsure of which parameter that controls this protected area.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cannot delete file memory

    Quote Originally Posted by Superman View Post
    Fanuc has a protected area where system files are kept away from the curious operator. The most common is the toolchange macro. These are in the O8000 to O9999 range.
    Memory would be used up & files not be able to be seen, UNTIL you un-protect this range.
    Once unprotected, carefully rename/delete or copy files. And restore the protected status of that area.

    Removing the wrong files can stop your machine from functioning correctly.

    I suggest doing a backup copy of parameters and macros whilst unprotected
    I am unsure of which parameter that controls this protected area.
    I have changed a few things in the Parameters over the years. Still gives me the "Shivers".
    Can you give me your version of how to backup the parameter etc. files? I am on a Mac
    Thank you for answering my queries

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cannot delete file memory

    I returned to machine yesterday. Done the delete with 0 - 9999 exactly same as had done before, this time it cleaned the memory and number of programs

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