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  1. #1

    CHNC 1 retrofit

    Hello,I just picked up a Hardinge CHNC 1.It is pretty clean and looks to be in good condition other than the out dated Siemens control.My plan is to retrofit to a modern control system like Centroid or Machmotion.
    My problem is I'm not sure where to start other than talking to those companies.I figure some one here has already done this and may be able to me.I'm not opposed to building the system from other manufactures I'm sure people here have built there own systems. If things get super high priced I can always sell it and look for a newer cnc lathe.

    Thanks James

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Those are nice machines.

    How you proceed really depends on your experience with control systems. 3 axis mills and routers are pretty simple for the first time builder. Simple lathes are not much more complex than a mill, just a bit different. Lathes with a turret are another level of complexity. Spindle control is also a must have on a more complex lathe.

    It looks like Centroid sells a prewired system for lathes, which if you have little controls experience might be a good choice. Having a chat with them might be worthwhile. They do seem a bit pricey, but the factory support might be worth it.

    There are a lot of control options available, it just depends on your end goals and your abilities.

    Where to start is to take an inventory of the hardware that is there now, then decide how to control it, what to keep and what to replace. On my lathe, I removed everything that said Fanuc on it and replaced it with new hardware and controls. My machine is a larger cousin of your CHNC 1 and a bit more complex.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  3. #3

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    What system did you go with?I got a quote from Machmotion for 30k.Way beyond what I want to spend.Centroid has not given me a quote yet.What about Camsoft?I am willing to put 10-15k into a retrofit,beyond that I might as well buy new or maybe a demo unit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Quote Originally Posted by Empirejim View Post
    What system did you go with?I got a quote from Machmotion for 30k.Way beyond what I want to spend.Centroid has not given me a quote yet.What about Camsoft?I am willing to put 10-15k into a retrofit,beyond that I might as well buy new or maybe a demo unit.
    I designed and built my own system. Also wrote my own CNC operating software to run it all, and used a Galil motion controller as the heart of the system. But this is not something the average user would want to tackle, I've been doing industrial controls and software professionally for about 35 years. My hard cost for the retrofit was about $13K, but my lathe is larger than yours, and much more complex with live tooling, a C axis, and up to 20 tool turret. It has four 1.8kW servos for the axis drives, and a 7.5kW servo for the spindle motor, so around $10K just in new servos.

    Camsoft is a good option, very adaptable and user friendly from what I understand. I have no personal experience with Camsoft. I like the fact that they use a Galil motion controller as the heart of their system.

    As I said above, you need to take an inventory of what you have there and then you can make a decision on what you need and how to control it. I have no experience with a CHNC so I have no idea what servos are installed, nor how the turret and spindle is controlled. So I'm not much help there. From my experience I can say that most of the power handling components can be reused. If you can supply part numbers from the servo motors and drives, then I might be able help make some recommendations on control systems.

    Pictures are always good.
    Jim Dawson
    Sandy, Oregon, USA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    I happen to have a CHNC with a Camsoft control. Wonderful combination.

    I replaced the spindle motor with a 7.5 HP 3phase and VFD. The servos are brushed DC so servo amps are cheap and easily found. I replaced the encoders with ones from US digital.

    Now the turret was a difficult project. Its an air motor with a stop pin and a sort of custom encoder - 3 inputs to tell eight position and goes to zero in between each location. I also found things a bit worn here and had to use high air pressure to make it pop up and rotate. That made it move too fast for the stop pin to catch it. Had to add an exhaust brake solenoid one position ahead- engage this and turret slows down. that lets the stop pin catch it. The logic here is complex - not for a beginner.

    many people have made the CHNC into a gang tool lathe and scrapped the turret. That would GREATLY simplify the refit.

    Here's the logic to index the turret, either from the operator panel or an M6 <tool#>
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Say my machine is still on camsoft's website. You will have to register to see it.

    Camsoft Video Player

  7. #7

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Hey thanks for the vid Karl,I talked with Gary at Camsoft quite abit yesterday.Sounds like we can do what I want,just need to get more info on my drive motors.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG-0213[1].jpg  

  8. #8

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Can any body help identify these Siemens drive motors?

  9. #9

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    So here is an update,I was able to get all the wiring info for the dc servos and their drives.Camsoft has given me a good price on the upgrade being able to reuse all the major hardware less computer controller.That will be getting replaced.So rite now what I need is an operational manual for the lathe that covers the Siemens control.Does any body have such a manual I can purchase?I have it wired up just to see what runs and it seems to be ok.It does set an alarm for emergency stop so I can't run any axes for movement.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    I got a maintenance manual from these folks. Their .pdf is secured so i can not give it to you.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	480586

    - - - Updated - - -

    I got a maintenance manual from these folks. Their .pdf is secured so i can not give it to you.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	36.0 KB 
ID:	480586

  11. #11

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    I was actually able to get the manuals direct from Hardinge for free.They even had one for the Siemens control.I also got the maintenance and operation manuals.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Empirejim View Post
    I was actually able to get the manuals direct from Hardinge for free.They even had one for the Siemens control.I also got the maintenance and operation manuals.
    I’m about to start this exact project. How’d it turn out? Any chance you’d share what you needed and what it cost? I was just about to drop $3500 on a centroid controller and reuse everything else like you described.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    The cost of equipment modification is too high. In China, we buy new equipment.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    You think it will work on a Hardinge cobra 65 lathe

  15. #15

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    Quote Originally Posted by CFisher28 View Post
    I’m about to start this exact project. How’d it turn out? Any chance you’d share what you needed and what it cost? I was just about to drop $3500 on a centroid controller and reuse everything else like you described.
    I'm going with a centroid ALLIN1DC controller for a Hardinge CHNC 4 retrofit. Centroid has done a lot of work on Hardinge machines and the support is forum based; not perfect but OK. My current challenge is the old pneumatics. I would like to find an alternative to the air motor driving the turret...any leads would be appreciated

  16. #16

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    If you are on a tight budget, you can retrofit this keeping the original motors and just replace the servo drivers:

    If you do not intend to run the machine like a F1, closed loop steppers are a good option:

    Mach4 and the ESS should get you running with all the features of a modern lathe:

    Arturo Duncan

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl_T View Post
    I happen to have a CHNC with a Camsoft control. Wonderful combination.

    I replaced the spindle motor with a 7.5 HP 3phase and VFD. The servos are brushed DC so servo amps are cheap and easily found. I replaced the encoders with ones from US digital.

    Now the turret was a difficult project. Its an air motor with a stop pin and a sort of custom encoder - 3 inputs to tell eight position and goes to zero in between each location. I also found things a bit worn here and had to use high air pressure to make it pop up and rotate. That made it move too fast for the stop pin to catch it. Had to add an exhaust brake solenoid one position ahead- engage this and turret slows down. that lets the stop pin catch it. The logic here is complex - not for a beginner.

    many people have made the CHNC into a gang tool lathe and scrapped the turret. That would GREATLY simplify the refit.

    Here's the logic to index the turret, either from the operator panel or an M6 <tool#>
    Hi Karl, I have seen several posts where you mentioned the exhaust solenoid on the air motor. Could you give me a few details on what you used and where you placed it? If you happen to have any pictures that would be great!

    Thanks Gary

  18. #18

    Re: CHNC 1 retrofit

    I am collecting air control info in a google album HERE
    I would be curious to know if the solenoid and shuttle valve is common to Hardinge machines using air operated turrets

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