please excuse my poor english (live in france).
We are 2 luthiers and we are planing to begin a new business in guitar making.
The project is to create our custom range of guitar and to propose replacement bodys and necks like wamoth does. Cnc machines seem to be today the only way to propose an affordable standadised range of musical instruments.
None of us have any experience with cnc machines (we just have good knowledge in 3d drawing).We are aware that working with this technologie is an all new work and we dont plan to beging in short terms. But before investing time and money in learning cnc programing we would like to estimate the cost of bigining such an activity(in order to make a draft of a business plan).
we already have all the small tools, the machines such as saws, planers..., and a place large enough for huge cnc wood routers).
Choosing the right machines is really complicated to me, so here is my question should we invest in a cnc router or in a Vertical maching center?
We can in find in europe used routers such as reichenbacher or maka for fairly affordable prices which seem to be perfect tools for guitar making.
But all the american leaders in this market (, gibson, warmoth, rickenbacker, suhr, anderson...) have rather choosed to use VMC like fadal 4020 or Haas vf4. Why?
are the dedicated wood working machines not accurante enough for precision work like fretboard slots and raduis, inlays or neck joint?
is that a matter of floor space?
for example john suhr even changed from a very high tech 5 axis reichenbacher router to a haas vf4....
have those fadal and haas machines some special features?
In europe used Chiron, Axa, or Heckler and Koch VMC can be found pretty cheap. would they be good alternatives?
(but spindels turning speed seems to be too slow for woodworking)
sorry to ask so much questions, thanks in advance.