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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > Connection from one driver to another, with output.
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  1. #1

    Connection from one driver to another, with output.

    I have an mx3660 driver with outputs. In its datasheet it says that it can communicate with another driver and serve as its breakout board.
    My other Driver is a Dm556
    Does anyone know how to make the connection? Works?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: Connection from one driver to another, with output.

    Do both drivers support the same step and direction signal levels (typically 5V or 3.3V)? If yes I would believe it is possible, I have never tried.

    For the wiring connections, I think it would be needed to connect the step output from the DM556 to the step input on the MX3660, and connect the direction output from the DM556 to the direction input on the MX3660. If the DM556 has an enable signal, you may want to connect it to the MX3660's enable input, depending on how you want to control power to the driver, and make sure both drivers are powered appropriately (both grounds of the drivers are connect together to ensure a common reference point).

    Of course check the datasheets for the required voltage and current ratings.

    I believe that it should make adjustments on the MX3660, like setting dip switches or jumpers, according to the datasheet instructions

    Test the setup with a simple program to ensure that the MX3660 responds correctly to commands from the DM556.

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