Hello everyone.
These last few days I have been trying to hook up a chinese nema34 hybrid servo motor 86HB250-156B with a Hybrid Servo Drive, and a Mach3 Board to test it.
After wiring everything as supposed, I started running into some issues where the drive does move right/left but somehow the Mach3 Parameters are not being well fed to the driver so it crashes after just a slight turn (20 degrees or so)
After a few tries i decided to test it with a smaller drive, suitable for nema23, and the motor works PERFECTLY fine, but the driver doesn't have enough voltage to run the motor at decent speeds and isn't ready for the encoder.
I also didn't succeed with the encoder cable removed or different pinouts in pulse/rev.
If anyone has an idea of what could be going wrong, please advise me, as i'm just a noob
The small drive, the hbs860h drive, my mach3 settings and a small video of the error is shown in this imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/mzHMWJ8
Thank you