Re: Fanuc A0-1 cutting stops or fluctuates
You won't get huge speeds on that thickness of material. .026 thou per min isn't fast but not slow either, on an older machine anyway. I have a W1 (1990) and I don't get much faster speeds on very thick material. Depends on material, what material are you cutting? You'll get problems on voltages on Alu for instance.
As others have mentioned, watch the top pot distance, but also make sure your cutting piece is flat. The EDM settings are important, they govern everything about your cutting. An expert we've used before said you could download your EDM data, just like the parameters, although I haven't proved that yet.
My machine is down at the moment but from memory (hopefully right), my settings are as follows (left a few out, can't remember them all):
No Load Voltage - 6
On Time - 8
Off Time - 50 (if I'm cutting easy and don't have to worry about time) down to 20 (if I'm running a production job)
Servo Voltage - 12
Tension - 1200
Sometimes you have to ease the machine into a job on higher off time and then bring it down to your desired setting, depends on the job.
We run 0.3mm wire. If I run 0.25 wire I have to set tension to 1000. Do you mean 0.1mm wire? If so your tension is way too high. Not sure what the tension would be on 0.1 wire but it would have to be lower than 1000 for sure. 0.3/0.25 wire thickness is the norm I would say.
Edit: Unless you were meaning 0.01", imperial. That's 0.25 metric. Try 1000 tension.
As also mentioned, watch your carbide blocks. Mine are round and I have to rotate them every now and then as it does directly affect its cutting ability.
I find your water flow odd, ours is older and I have up to 15 on water.
Can't think of anything else for the moment.
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