Re: Fanuc Oi Mate MD Manual Pulse Generator addressing parameter
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I am looking to find the parameter that will let me address the right axis switch signal for the proper axis movement, similar to image MPG1 attached.
As of right now my machine uses a future life technology mpg which has a strangely mapped internal rotary switch, and the output are as seen on MPG2 picture also attached.
I was not able to find these parameter on the machine. The only occurence of axis selection I found in the ladder is F0102.0 and right now only the X axis will work. I can manually jump my machine I/O board to have the axis changed with different combination and everything else on the new mpg work.
The machine is a First MCV-300 with a Fanuc Oi Mate-MD controller. MPG is connected to the I/O card mounted on the operator panel, which is connected to the Fanuc board via ribbon cable. On the Mate MD manual my model of MPG is listed, it is a Tosoku HC115.
It is not suggest to change to a different brand MPG, which will cause compatibility problems.
If the original MPG is Tosoku HC115, then better use the same one, so no need to change parameters.