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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    HAAS VF2 DNC buffer problem

    I am trying to DNC a large program at 19200 baud rate and the buffer fills. At that point the handshake between machine and computer loses information and a error is the result. I am using a RS232 cable about 20' long. Anybody seen this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    slow your baud rate down so the machine can stay ahead of the data flow.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    I have a 1996 Feeler FV-800 with Mitsubishi Meldas 520 AM control and have no problem drip feeding at 19 200 Baud with a 20' serial cable between my PC and the front panel. Remember that there is also a 22' internal intermediate cable from the front panel to the control at the back. Total L=42' !

    I have the CNC parameters set to Hardware (RTS/CTS) handshake:

    #. Parameter input (value)
    2. Baud rate: 0 (19200 Baud)
    3. Stop Bit: 3 (2 stop bits)
    3. Parity Effective: 0 (No Parity bit during I/O)
    5. Even Parity: 0 (Odd Parity)
    6. Chr Length: 3 (8 data bits) this is a little special with Mitsubishi controls.
    7. Terminator Type: 3 (EOR is fixed no matter what you choose)
    11. Hand Shake: 1 (RTS/CTS Hardware)
    12. DC Code Parity: 0 (No DC code parity)

    #. Parameter Input (value)
    1. DC2/DC4 Output: 0 (Without DC2, without DC4)
    2. CR output: 1 (On)
    3. EIA Output: 0 (ISO)
    4. Title Feed out: 0 (Off)
    5. Feed Chr:0 (0 Characters)
    6. Parity V:0 (Off)
    7. Time Out:0 (0 seconds)
    8. RST Ignore:0 (RST valid)

    PC parameters for COM1 serial port

    Baud rate: 19200
    Data Bits: 7
    Parity: Even
    Stop Bits: 2
    Flow control: Hardware
    FIFO buffers in "Advanced" are set to "LOW".

    DNC program parameters

    Com port: COM1
    Baud rate: 19200
    Flow control: RTS/CTS
    Code system: ISO
    Data bits: 7
    Parity: Even
    Stop bits: 2

    Serial cable pinout (20' Belden 8104 shielded low capacitance cable):

    PC side 9-pin Dsub female <---> CNC side 25 pin Dsub male

    2 RxD <---> 2 TxD
    3 TxD <---> 3 RxD
    5 Signal Ground <---> 7 Signal Ground
    7 RTS <---> 5 CTS
    8 CTS <---> 4 RTS

    Pins 4 DTR & 6 DSR are jumpered at PC side's 9-pin Dsub female

    Pins 6 DSR & 20 DTR are jumpered at CNC side's 25-pin Dsub male
    Pin 8 is not used at my CNC side's 25-pin Dsub male, but may need be jumpered to 6 & 20 for your CNC. Please check this.

    / Peter

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Are you wired to a com port on the PC or are you using a USB to serial adapter? Hardware handshake?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I'm also wondering if the buffer is loading so much information that the PC thinks the connection was lost after a certain amount of time (waiting for the machine to respond back). Is there a time-out setting on the communication software?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I am using a com port.
    Lines are being lost. the computer does not send the information fast enough I think.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Drop the baud rate to 9600 on both the pc and the haas and see if the trouble continues

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Also make sure you disable the FIFO on the local comm port. You could also try using RTS/CTS (hardware flow control) if you have a cable that is wired this way. If you need help still, feel free to give us a call. We have lots of experience in connecting this machine and cabling.
    Greg Mercurio -Shop Floor Automations
    www.shopfloorautomations.com /619-461-4000

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: HAAS VF2 DNC buffer problem

    Grazie di tutto

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