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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Mazak, Mitsubishi, Mazatrol > Hartford VMC tool carousel out of sync with M500 control
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Hartford VMC tool carousel out of sync with M500 control

    I had to E-stop the machine during a tool change and now the tool carousel is out of sync with the Mitsubishi M500 control by 3 tools. If I call up T1 the machine picks T4, if I call up T2 the machine picks up T5 etc etc. Can someone detail the procedure to get the carousel back in sync with the control. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Hartford VMC tool carousel out of sync with M500 control

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanoga View Post
    I had to E-stop the machine during a tool change and now the tool carousel is out of sync with the Mitsubishi M500 control by 3 tools. If I call up T1 the machine picks T4, if I call up T2 the machine picks up T5 etc etc. Can someone detail the procedure to get the carousel back in sync with the control. Thanks in advance.
    Turn off the machine and then turn it back on the control.

    Manually move the carousel to the home position. You might need to do this by hand or using the control panel.

    Access the tool management menu and look for an option to reinitialize or resync the tool data.

    Make sure that the tool offsets are correctly set for each tool position in the control.

    Run a Test after syncing, run a test to see if calling up T1 picks T1 and so on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Re: Hartford VMC tool carousel out of sync with M500 control

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmakers001 View Post
    Turn off the machine and then turn it back on the control.

    Manually move the carousel to the home position. You might need to do this by hand or using the control panel.

    Access the tool management menu and look for an option to reinitialize or resync the tool data.

    Make sure that the tool offsets are correctly set for each tool position in the control.

    Run a Test after syncing, run a test to see if calling up T1 picks T1 and so on.
    That worked a treat:cheers: All back up and running now. I've been using this machine for 20 years now and have never used that tool management page, can't think of any reason why you'd want to change the tool pot/spindle number during normal usage.

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