I just purchased a Probotix V90 MK2 model.
Upon initial turn-on, it homed properly. However, after a re-boot, it won't home properly home on the X axis. Every time I reboot the computer, router, and Linux CNC, the Linux CNC preview pane shows the router spindle to exist in the lower corner of the X-Y axis--when in fact, the router exists in physical space wherever it was when I last turned off the machine. When I attempt to "home all" axes, it properly homes the Y axis but moves up the far-left extreme side of the X axis (which is already the leftmost outer limit of the physical machine) and attempts to move (further) left in the Linux CNC program. When this happens, the machine "whirs" and "chunks" and I have to use the e-stop button.
At this point, I use manual controls to return the router spindle to the middle of the table. But, upon re-boot, the CNC linux shows the spindle to be in the lower-left extreme corner of the X-Y axis.
Any assistance on helping me fix this would be greatly appreciated.