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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Homing Problems - Linux CNC

    I just purchased a Probotix V90 MK2 model.

    Upon initial turn-on, it homed properly. However, after a re-boot, it won't home properly home on the X axis. Every time I reboot the computer, router, and Linux CNC, the Linux CNC preview pane shows the router spindle to exist in the lower corner of the X-Y axis--when in fact, the router exists in physical space wherever it was when I last turned off the machine. When I attempt to "home all" axes, it properly homes the Y axis but moves up the far-left extreme side of the X axis (which is already the leftmost outer limit of the physical machine) and attempts to move (further) left in the Linux CNC program. When this happens, the machine "whirs" and "chunks" and I have to use the e-stop button.

    At this point, I use manual controls to return the router spindle to the middle of the table. But, upon re-boot, the CNC linux shows the spindle to be in the lower-left extreme corner of the X-Y axis.

    Any assistance on helping me fix this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Homing Problems - Linux CNC

    It sounds like a home switch or wiring was damaged in the move.
    You will need help from someone who is familiar with probotix, or you need to describe the setup in a little more detail.
    Are the home switches regular microswitches, or something else?

    ALso you may want to post in the linuxcnc forum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Homing Problems - Linux CNC

    They are described as limit / home switches
    PROBOTIXâ„¢ :: Heavy Duty Limit Switch

    There are two of them. I picked up the machine in person. It has been on a work bench for a month. Never banged or jostled that I know of. I guess I could order a couple and replace the existing ones.

    And it worked once. Frustrating. Now, however, when i home just the x axis, it does not stop upon hitting the edge. So I guess one of them somehow went bad. I didn't really think I'd have to start screwing with the machine on the second use.

    Attachment 298096

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Homing Problems - Linux CNC

    Those are just regular microswitches, very easy to test.
    Do you have a volt / ohm meter? Unplug the switches and check resistance between the common terminal and each of the other terminals. One should have continuity with the switch not pressed, with no continuity on the other pin, and when the switch is pressed, they readings should be reversed.

    If you go find the menu option "Hal meter" under the linuxcnc menus, there should be a tab labeled signals. find the ones labeled x-home y-home or something similar. They should switch between true and false when pressing the button on the switch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Homing Problems - Linux CNC

    In reviewing the limit switch, I noticed the brace that is designed to depress the limit switch button was not positioned properly. The arm moved far to the left, but the limit switch brace was too far for it to make contact with the button on the limit switch. I re-positioned the brace, and everything homed fine. Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. #6
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    Nov 2024

    Re: Homing Problems - Linux CNC

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