I am looking for a mini CNC 5 axis metal milling machine, X/Y/Z ~ 300X400X200 about, and price about $5000.
I am looking for a mini CNC 5 axis metal milling machine, X/Y/Z ~ 300X400X200 about, and price about $5000.
Just because you can put specifications and a price together doesn't mean you can actually find something with those specifications for that price.
Cool !
A HAAS UMC is about 140.000€, and just the same work envelople.
As soon as You find something of similar for 5000€, please let us know.
for that sort of money you are talking hobbyists level machines.
What materials do you need to cut?
Soft materials like wood and plastics can be cut with machines of modest rigidity. Soft metals like aluminum and brass require a much more rigid machine,
and steel requires a machine of VASTLY increased rigidity. With every step up the rigidity ladder the price increases ten-fold.
There is a mini jewellers 5-axis machine, something called about a "Mira".
The old versions used precision planetary gearboxes, afaik, /h,
and they are generally regarded as good to very good.
But used by the jewelry and watchmaking community, so MRR does not apply.
The older machines used to cost about 20.000 $.
Last time I looked there was no delivery and sales and prices were not displayed.
Imo, ime.
There is about 1% chance You can make a tiny serious 5-axis machine from scratch for 5000$.
Unless You are used to making planetary gears, and know how to make them backlash-free.
actually, I am looking for a CNC milling to do experiment instead of machining parts, as long as the slider be able to move, is OK.