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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > PlanetCNC > i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment
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  1. #1

    Angry i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    hello there im having a few problems with configuring the software on my cnc controller,

    firstly ,following your tutorial for setting up soft limits.
    i can configure it according to the tutorial but in some occasions it will ignore the soft limit set and hit the hard limits,
    also when i zero the machine coordinates ,things will change when i home it and its zero point will not be the same so the soft limits become wrong again and the machine crashes,

    how do i set the machine coordinates so they will not change.

    another problem im having is with the tool measurment and fixed sensor
    i have installed the fixed sensor and wired it to pin 1 on the input board and configured the software according to the tutorial you provide, manual testing of the downward z movement and pressing the sensor stops the motion indicating it would work correctly, but initiating a tool length measurement ,the maching goes to the specified position over the sensor correctly but it ignores speed settings and the tool sensor and just crashes into it breaking tools.

    any help with this would be appreciated thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    I assume that you are using Windows, if not please update.
    I also had the problem with the measurement tool, only after I installed TNG under "C:/PlanetCNC" did it work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    At the beginning with PlanetCNC someone helped me on YouTube, it's in German but there are subtitles. Maybe it will help.

  4. #4

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    i am using windows yes

    mines installed here C:\Program Files\PlanetCNC i will try to reinstall where you said and see if that helps
    thank you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    I have installed in same dir, works perfect ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    This sounds as if you have a bad setting in the "Rapid Height" in your "Program Options\Offsets" Section.
    have a look at what the M06 script does:

    (Measure Tool Offset)
    o<tomeasure> if [[#<_tc_toolmeasure> GT 0] AND [#<_tool_skipmeasure|#<_current_tool>> EQ 0]]
    (print, Measure tool)
    #<sox> = [DEF[#<_tool_so_x|#<_current_tool>>,0]]
    #<soy> = [DEF[#<_tool_so_y|#<_current_tool>>,0]]
    #<soz> = [DEF[#<_tool_so_z|#<_current_tool>>,0]]

    G53 G00 Z#<_tooloff_safeheight>
    G53 G00 X[#<_tooloff_sensorx> - #<sox>] Y[#<_tooloff_sensory> - #<soy>]
    G53 G00 Z#<_tooloff_rapidheight>

    G53 G38.2 Z-100000 F#<_tooloff_speed>
    G91 G53 G01 Z[+#<_tooloff_swdist>]
    o<low> if [#<_tooloff_speed_low> GT 0]
    G90 G53 G38.2 Z-100000 F#<_tooloff_speed_low>
    G91 G53 G01 Z[+#<_tooloff_swdist>] F#<_tooloff_speed>
    o<low> endif
    M11P1 G90

    G53 G00 Z#<_tooloff_safeheight>
    o<chk> if[ACTIVE[] AND NOTEXISTS[#<_probe_z>]]
    (msg,Measuring failed)
    o<chk> endif

    #<off> = [#<_probe_z> - #<_tooloff_sensorz> - #<soz>]

    o<tmset> if [#<_tc_toolmeasure> EQ 2]
    (print, Set tooltable Z#<off>)
    G10 L1 P#<_current_tool> Z#<off>
    o<tmset> elseif [#<_tc_toolmeasure> EQ 1]
    (print, Set tool offset Z#<off>)
    G43.1 Z#<off>
    o<tmset> endif
    o<tomeasure> endif

    after changing the tool, it rapids to safe height on Z
    rapids xy to the sensor position
    rapids Z to tool rapidheight
    moves with G38.2 don onto the sensor thill the sensor triggers

    Your description sounds like the move to rapidheight is failing, most likely because the rapid hight is set to something far to low. I think it defaults to 0. Which is fine if your G53 Z0 is on top of the Z Axis. However it G53 Z0 is on your table and your Z Safe Height is somewhere above this (100, for example) you might see this behavior.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    Regarding your soft limits issue,
    do you by accident mix up the machine and the work coordinate systems when zeroing the machine on a workpiece on occasion?

  8. #8

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    Quote Originally Posted by ScorpionTDL View Post
    Regarding your soft limits issue,
    do you by accident mix up the machine and the work coordinate systems when zeroing the machine on a workpiece on occasion?
    hi scorpion, i dont think i confused them but i will redo it and check , i followed the tutorial to the letter ,ill redo and see

    regarding the tool sensor my z0 is the bed of the machine (according to the tutorial) the hard limit is at the top of the z ,should i set the zero at the top of the z axis

    thank you

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    You can install anywhere you want. Or you can manually copy .exe and two .dll files where ever you want and it will also work.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieyoung View Post
    the hard limit is at the top of the z ,should i set the zero at the top of the z axis
    Yes for the machine coordinate, the soft limit a few mm below the hard limit.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: i have some issues with coordinates and the tool mesurment

    Quote Originally Posted by jamieyoung View Post
    hi scorpion, i dont think i confused them but i will redo it and check , i followed the tutorial to the letter ,ill redo and see

    regarding the tool sensor my z0 is the bed of the machine (according to the tutorial) the hard limit is at the top of the z ,should i set the zero at the top of the z axis

    thank you
    This comes basically down to personal preference.
    I like to have G53 Z0 at the top of my Z Axis simply because I found that at many instances G53 Z0 is taken as a "safe" height where to move Z prior to moving xy somewhere across the bed. Having G53 Z0 at the lower end is basically a guarantee for a crash in those cases.
    As you seldom work in G53 it does not matter if your working Z Area is between Z0 and Z-100 instead Z100 and Z0 (as an example)
    In your case you can simply set the "Rapid Height" in your Programm Opstions / Offsets settings to a safe distance from you toolsetter. If you want to be 100% sure, set it to the same values as you have set the "Safe Height" in the text box above that.
    ANs ensure that this value is on the top end of the travel of your Z axis.

    Personally I find the code in M06 where it just rapids to the designated height a bit sub optimal. It does not Take any tool length into account, so its always somewhat off, and it can even crash the tool into the sensor.
    At least I would replace the G0 move with a G38.3 move with a high Feedrate. This would ensure that it at least stops if it hits the sensor.

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