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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > PlanetCNC > I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    I was waiting for the new Mach4 to come out and got tired of waiting so I got the USBCNC controller and drivers and have not had any problems with it at all.

    Now I can't imagine using anything else.
    Artistic 3D Relief Work for CNC http://www.cncproductionwork.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    Same here...Happy user for the last 5 years with MK2 version. I may actually upgrade to MK3 just because I am sucker for new stuff and to run the new user interface version.
    Great to see the forum established here on CNC-Zone for information sharing.

    Box Joint and Dovetail CAM software here: WWW.TAILMAKER.NET

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    TNG version is more than just new user interface.
    It is fully g-code oriented and everything is accessible through g-code. Motion obeys all physical laws (speed, acceleration, forces,...) and path is always optimal within set limits. It does require PC with at least two cores. It also runs on Linux.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    It would be great to hear what other control programs you may have used prior to Planet, as well as what differences stood out the most to you between them. It is difficult to trust in a users "amazement" when and if it happens to be the first and only control they ever used. I'd be all ears to hear about PlanetCNC comparisons.

    The Linux advantage is a rather appreciable one to me these days......

    Also, could it be said that PlanetCNC's nearest equivalent would be that of EdingCNC ?
    Chris L

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    Quote Originally Posted by datac View Post
    It would be great to hear what other control programs you may have used prior to Planet, as well as what differences stood out the most to you between them. It is difficult to trust in a users "amazement" when and if it happens to be the first and only control they ever used. I'd be all ears to hear about PlanetCNC comparisons......
    I appreciate the skepticism and for my part (I am not the original poster) I actually "used" only the Nextwave CNC Shark Controller before Planet-CNC, which kind of sucked in 2011 (maybe newer versions are better). When I built my own machine in 2012 (look up the BigBamboo thread here) I looked at Mach 3 and did not like the user interface, the parallel port back then and the fact that a Windows PC had to do real time work generating pulses. I know there are other options for the hardware nowadays but that and affordability was the reason that I bought Planet-CNC instead. That is not to slag Mach X and I know that many people are happy with it and use it with good success.It was just my personal preference. Besides the UI, I like the many built-in functions of Planet-CNC from various toolpath wizards to g-code tweaking (scale/ mirror/warp/wrap etc) options, built-in touch-probe scanning and camera features. Another important feature for me is the coordinate transformation matrix, which allows to compensate for mechanical imperfections of the machine, in my case a slight off-perpendicular gantry that can not be fixed mechanically. Other than that I like that it just works without much trouble. Product shipping is quick and tech support is good although the manual is always a year or two behind the software features...

    A direct comparison with features, functions and cost of various motion control solutions would be interesting but probably end up like comparisons of motor oil on the BMW Club web site. People get irrational and facts won't matter when they like their own solution or preferred product.
    Box Joint and Dovetail CAM software here: WWW.TAILMAKER.NET

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    I started out with Linux CNC which always seemed to have little errors when it ran. It could have been my fault because I was new. Then I used Mach2/3 which was good but only worked with a parallel printer cable and would slow down now and then. When My computer blew I couldn't find another one that had a parallel port.

    So I got the USBCNC software and hardware from PlanetCNC and it has always worked well. It runs fast when I set it up to go fast. It always just keeps going. I run mostly the back and forth carving g-code with thousands of lines in it and it just keeps going with no problems.
    Artistic 3D Relief Work for CNC http://www.cncproductionwork.com

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    Quote Originally Posted by JerryBurks View Post
    ... People get irrational and facts won't matter when they like their own solution or preferred product.
    On the other hand...

    This is true for anybody, unless you have experience with every piece of software on earth, you don't know what is good and what is not and why. So, in my opinion it is pretty normal that whatever we (you, and everybody else) prefer is the best solution, because that is the one we use and find it good enough for our needs. Personally I tried Linux CNC and was not thrilled by it at all, then moved to Mach3 and was not happy with the parallel port so I bought an external motion controller and was very happy with that solution for a long time, until I bought UCCNC and UC300ETH, which is even better, though it does not have all the features Mach3 has, but if I need the Mach3 features I just switch to Mach3 with that UC300ETH motion controller. So you see, no matter if there is anything better than that on the market, I can't try every possible solution, so I don't care. I think the same is true for everyone else, including you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    I was using Planetcnc , but there is no comaprition to UCCNC , lol UCCNC is faster that Planetcnc , more easy to config .
    But the softs are ok both , better than mach3 .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    Dear friends,

    I need your help to setup my cncusb controller card to control the VFD.
    - Controller: USBCNC card (see picture)
    - VFD: HY01D511B, 110V-110V, 1.5KW, 14A (Huanyang)
    - Software: CNC USB (Planet cnc):
    SW: 2.10.1204.201;
    HS: 2012.02.10;
    SN: 59665 DIY
    The manual shows that this command "M S24000" should be put in MDI and when apply ENTER it should configure the controller in order get 5v between the GND and AVI but when I apply ENTER I still have "0" volts between GND and AVI. I connected everything well but nothing is happened.

    I attach some pictures for your reference:

    Thank you in advance

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Test result.jpg  

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Re: I Use Planet CNC and it Works Great!

    Do you still have the mk2? If you do, do you want to sell it to me? If so, franmar345715152gmail.com to talk about it.

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