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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Stepper Motors / Drives > Is it really closed loop? Stepper drive 2HSS86 no signal outputs
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Is it really closed loop? Stepper drive 2HSS86 no signal outputs

    Hi everyone,

    I have five 2HSS86 stepper drives (2-phase Hybrid Stepper Servo Drivers) that I am controlling with two PLCs Schneider TM241CE24T. I don't receive any signals from the ALM- and ALM+ output to indicate when the driver is in an alarm state.

    These outputs are open-collector (OC). The manual states that if there is an alarm signal, the output is closed; if there is no alarm signal, it is in an open circuit. It also mentions that this feature is factory-enabled, but it is not working for me.

    I found information indicating that the inputs of the Schneider PLCs are optically isolated and that the TM241 controller's inputs are configured as sink/source. I have tried various wiring configurations using pull-up resistors, pull-down resistors, and even a relay, but with no results (I’ve attached screenshots of the manual, the specifications of the PLC, and the original wiring).

    In addition to checking the input status through the PLC program, I tested the circuit with a 10 k? resistor to monitor the voltage change when the transistor is activated. However, the behavior remains the same: when there is no alarm, I read 4.1 VDC, and when I activate the alarm, the red alarm LED turns on and flashes, the motor does not move but despite the drive being in an alarm state, the output voltage remains unchanged.

    I've seen posts indicating that this drive is not programmable, so it seems I cannot connect to it to change parameters or verify if the output is enabled .

    Has anyone worked with this stepper drive? The same thing happens to me with the position output PEND, is this drive really closed loop if the outputs don't work? I would appreciate any guidance or any ideas. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Is it really closed loop? Stepper drive 2HSS86 no signal outputs

    Do the motors have encoders on them? There should be 4 outputs that plug into the encoder inputs in your drives, plus power and ground: http://cncdrive.com/datasheets/2HSS86H.pdf
    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Re: Is it really closed loop? Stepper drive 2HSS86 no signal outputs

    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    Do the motors have encoders on them? There should be 4 outputs that plug into the encoder inputs in your drives, plus power and ground: http://cncdrive.com/datasheets/2HSS86H.pdf
    I thank you so much for replying.

    Yes, I was able to wire the encoder as the manual indicates, and I am able to move the stepper motor and the encoder seems working fine...

    However, according to our project specifications, we require to receive signals inputs from the outputs that tells us if there is an alarm (ALM+ and ALM-) and the outputs that tell us if the motor is in position (PEND+ and PEND-). We have wired the outputs but we get nothing from them, no matter the state of the drive or the motor.

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