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IndustryArena Forum > WoodWorking Machines > Uncategorised WoodWorking Machines > Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    I have a small Legacy Arty machine and have in issue with the Y limit switch.
    It seems to be intermitent,
    I have replaced the switch with the same results.
    How would I trouble shoot this further?

    Could this be a driver/software issue? I noticed recently a devce in other in device manager listed as usb serial port and when I click on it, it sayslocation on the smooth stepper. The Smooth Stepper is loaded and other than the limit switch seem to work, but this prevents me from referecing the machine, I can manually operate (for things like flattening etc)

    how can I resolve this or further trouble shoot?

    Thanks in advanced!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    You could ask at Warp9TD. Maybe you'll have better luck getting tech support from them than I did.
    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    Hello awerby,
    Thanks for the fast response!
    I did just go through their help and deleted and reinstalled the driver. That seems to have fixex the device manager issue.
    It all looks clear from that point of view now.
    So, I guess I need to go own the rabbit hole on the machine itself.
    Just not familar with how to trouble shoot.
    I guess I will need toopen everthing up and trace the wires one by one and see if I can find any broken connections or shorts.
    Any other suggestiions, I am game!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    Is this a limit switch or a home switch? Some machines use the same switches for both functions, but treats them differently depending on the routine being called. It sounds like you're trying to use it as a home switch. What happens if you change the leads from Y to X? Does the problem migrate, or stay on Y?
    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    Hello awerby,
    Is this a limit switch or a home switch?
    I believe they would be limit switches. They are triggered when the X , Y or Z are moved too far in the extreme lowest value. Then I zero the axis.

    Regarding "What happens if you change the leads from Y to X?" Basicaly, would I create jumper leads to switch the connectors on the switches? Or swap the leads on the terminal block? I am color blind, so the wiring is hard to tell each wire from the other.
    My electronics back ground is older cars, so not electronics circuit savvy!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Issues with Limit switches on Legacy Arty machine.

    Limit switches trigger an e-stop when the axis reaches a spot near the end of its travel. Home switches are supposed to register a location, but then cause the axis to change direction and back off the switch. Then the homing routine does the same thing to the other axes. This establishes a reference position for each axis, but that's not the same as the "floating zeroes" that are set for each different part in relation to the stock it's being cut out of.

    Are you trying to home these axes by hand, using your limit switches? What control software are you using? Usually, the CNC software includes a homing routine that does all that automatically. Does yours? I was assuming you were using one, but one of the axes wasn't performing correctly. So I suggested you simply switch the leads from one that's working to the one that's not and see if it behaved any differently. The terminal block sounds like a good place to do that. Mark the wires with pieces of tape if you can't see the wire colors.
    Andrew Werby

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