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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Mach 4 Probing Help Needed pls

    Reaching out because I don't know what to do. Mach 4. ESS. CNC Router 3 Axis. Machine operational. Upgraded from Mach 3 to Mach 4 with an ESS a while ago. Ran out of time. Sorting out the fine points now. Don't understand a few things yet mostly functions. Reasonably advanced builder and operator. Small amount of LUA experience. Very stupid problem. Need a big picture answer.


    Mach 4 GUI has blue indicator LEDs on/off correctly responding to my 3 probe inputs toggled being G31, G31.1 and G31.2 respectfully. The 'Touch" module operates fine without error. I did need to uncheck the "Probe failure disables Mach" because it was only able to make one probing move. The Z and corner option requires more than one move, and wont work with this option checked. The functionality of the "Touch" module appears to be very basic I feel the "Probe" module would be a better option.

    Probe Module.

    Doesnt work at all but reacts strangely if I try. Unable to get any indication of the probe active. Ie the blue LED on the probe module never lights up no matter what input is selected. No combination works. G31 - nothing. G31.1 nothing. G31.2 nothing. Also nothing if I try all options for the other probes. Also, the Probe module wont save any inputs. I have to input I have a 2mm probe tip, feed rate etc every time I open it.

    Also. The Probe Module, did appear to work, once, today. This time, no matter which G31.x code I selected, my main probe activated it (the probe LED on the probe screen). That was what I call stupid because it only did once.

    Out of several diagnostic mediums I choose, all of them prove the respective probe inputs are correct and active but the blue LEDs are a good indicator immediately.

    I need some good robust help please I am a bit gutted as the machine goes so well. is it possible my probing LUA script is corrupted? Or is it perhaps needing some serious work to suit my machine - weird though, the touch works. Do I need to spend hours and hours learning LUA to resolve this when basically I just want to use my machine. Gee. Even Mach 3 I was able to probe with ease.

    In all reality if I need to I will learn LUA. Be great if I dont have too. Thanks in advance

  2. #2

    Re: Mach 4 Probing Help Needed pls


    ich habe im wxProbe.set in der Zeile 50 den Eingang für Probe von G31 auf G31.1 welchen ich für Probe benutze geändert und dann lief wxProbe einwandfrei.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Mach 4 Probing Help Needed pls

    in the first instance I would say your probe circuit is faulty or intermittent.

    I would try repeated g31 moves to establish whether there is a recurring fault or electrical noise in your probe circuit.
    Set up a piece of material to be probed. Set the probe say 1mm above the surface and zero the Z axis, then probe it, with a terminal move of Z=-1.5mm, ie 0.5mm below the surface.

    g31 z-1.5 f100
    g0 z0
    g4 p2.0
    g31 z-1.5 f100
    g0 z0
    g4 p2.0
    g31 z-1.5 f100
    g0 z0
    g4 p2.0
    g31 z-1.5 f100
    g0 z0
    g4 p2.0
    g31 z-1.5 f100
    g0 z0
    g4 p2.0
    ..... and repeat as many times as you want.

    This routine will probe the surface at the same spot repeatedly....and ideally all the results should be the same. If however your probe circuit is faulty or is plagued by noise, a common fault,
    then the results will not be uniform or the probe move will fail, ie reach its terminal move (z=-1.5mm) WITHOUT encountering a probe strike......a sure sign of a fault.


  4. #4

    Re: Mach 4 Probing Help Needed pls

    The strange thing is that TouchOFF runs completely perfectly with G31.1 and wxProbe doesn't run with G31.1.
    After changing program line 50 from G31 to G31.1, wxProbe also runs perfectly.

    Greetings Andreas

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