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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Mori seiki sl25 lathe no x-

    We have a x- not moving all oth motion is good x+, z-, z+ but no x-. We've verified limit and prox on x are working correctly. We've swapped servo amps x for y and no change. Fuses and breakes seem all good.... ??? Any suggestions would be greatful?

  2. #2

    Re: Mori seiki sl25 lathe no x-

    Seems it's acting like you had an over travel in X-. Maybe even a hard over travel. Moving the carriage X+ and hitting RESET should fix a soft over travel. Some Mori machines have a different procedure for getting out of a Hard over travel, including an extra button to push. Have to look in the manuals for that one.

    Sorry it's all I can think of. Again... acting just like it had an over travel in X-.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by the_gentlegiant View Post
    Seems it's acting like you had an over travel in X-. Maybe even a hard over travel. Moving the carriage X+ and hitting RESET should fix a soft over travel. Some Mori machines have a different procedure for getting out of a Hard over travel, including an extra button to push. Have to look in the manuals for that one.

    Sorry it's all I can think of. Again... acting just like it had an over travel in X-.
    Thanks! We hv verified that and unfortunately it doesnt seem to be the problem. We will keep trying.

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