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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Leadshine > MX3660 Estop Fault on two Drives, Over Current Fault on One
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  1. #1

    MX3660 Estop Fault on two Drives, Over Current Fault on One

    So my MX3660 powered machine stopped cold in its tracks yesterday.

    I can still move axis via a Gecko G540 that is in my control as well. This includes the steppers that were previously connected the MX3660.

    After opening the control two of the axis show a Estop fault. The other drive shows over current, even when nothing is plugged into it.

    Is there a way to reset this fault? Or is the drive damaged?

    Just to be clear, the Estop is not on in the control software (UCCNC) and can be turned off and on via the two Estop buttons succusfully. The MX3660 blinks the Estop fault on those two drives, I suspect because the third drive is over current?

  2. #2

    Re: MX3660 Estop Fault on two Drives, Over Current Fault on One

    I have done some reading and it appears this is a common fault associated with the unit being fried.

    Disappointing because the drive is only a year and a half old.

    Does anybody know if there is a repair service for these?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: MX3660 Estop Fault on two Drives, Over Current Fault on One

    Hello, according to my experience, this may be caused by the damage of the internal module?s?.
    Please contact your direct supplier to deal with or replace the module.

  4. #4
    Hi, I had exactly the same problem with the MX3660 driver. In my case, once I opened the driver, I found a burned mosfet transistor on 1 of the 3 controller boards, once I replaced it, the e-stop signal stopped turning on. This made the driver work again, but a few days later it stopped working again, when I checked I found 2 of the 3 controller boards with severe short circuits.

    In your case,
    Were you able to solve it?
    Did you find the problem internally?

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