Can you write g code on fanuc cnc lathe for this drawing? Just using these dimensions.
Can you write g code on fanuc cnc lathe for this drawing? Just using these dimensions.
It's possible, if that's what you're asking. The trick is finding the tangent points where the lines intersect the circle. You can do that pretty easily in RhinoCAM, which has tangent object snaps. Once you've constructed an accurate curve, all you need to do is choose the Fanuc post and generate lathe code for the tooling you set up. Get a trial version and you can do it yourself:
Thaks for your answer and helpfulness. I can machine this part on any CAM. But think that if you dont have any computer and only you have fanuc goodway cnc lathe. And you have only this drawing and just theese dimensions for machine. For example, I made this part without CAM and without tangent points. But on this part, Machine doesnt see G3 code without coordinates. I wonder what I should do if the part starts with curve.