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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Dynomotion/Kflop/Kanalog > New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holding.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holding.

    Hi There,

    I'm in the unfortunate position of setting up a new K2CNC ( KG3925HD-8-TT-ATC using flop, kmotion, kmotionCNC ) that was received shortly after K2 went dark.

    The specific problem that we are facing: I can manually rotate the DC servo (powered on) with ease, a few degrees (resulting in 0.010" movement of the X axis).

    The servo does seem to re-center itself to the original coordinates, though it does this over fifteen seconds or so.

    Without any tech support from K2, We are hoping that someone else has suffered the same issue.

    In the Kmotion Configuration, all servos are set to defaults:

    Axis Modes: Encoder (input) Step Dir (output)
    Input Channels: 0, 1 gain, 0 offset
    Output Channels: 0, 1 gain, 0 offset

    In the Axis window we can see the manual rotation in the position column, and this is also where we see it return to equal the proper Dest.

    I am sure it is as simple a solution, as it might have been in the K2 documentation (had we received any).

    Thank you all for you're time. Hope you are well.

    Mark Kett

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Hi Mark,

    Unfortunately we don't know how K2CNC built, configured, wired, or components K2CNC used in their systems.

    Can you tell what type of motors and amplifiers are in the system?

    Is there one of our Kanalog boards?

    That configuration doesn't sound correct. Just because the settings are in the KMotion Screens doesn't necessarily mean they are in use. You might want to Upload settings from KFLOP into the screens to verify. Or import the settings from the C Program used to initialize. This Flash Video may help you to understand and find where the real parameter settings are:


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Thanks Tom,

    Unfortunately the motors encoders, and amplifiers are unmarked. I recognized the KFLOP board from the photo on your site.

    Thank you very much for the video. That will help me get my bearings.

    This is an unfortunate situation, and I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

    If there is anyone in the Montreal area that has experience tuning a 3 axis CNC with KMotion, and is interested in the work (setting this machine up), please let me know.

    Mark Kett

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Hi Mark,

    Sorry to hear that. With a little snooping and reverse engineering I wouldn't think it would be too hard to determine the basics such as: do you have steppers or servos? Analog drives? Encoders?

    The reason I ask is that your initial description seems to be a servo system with very low Integrator Gain. But then the settings indicate open loop Step/Dir Axes. So the values on the screens probably aren't valid.

    If you can upload the valid settings then you could probably use our Step Response Screen to perform moves and tune the system.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Thanks again Tom,

    I believe you are correct. I will populate the screens and make sure they're set to dc servo. I'm sure I'm on the right track, thanks to your help.

    The Integrator Gain was set to .01.

    Hope you are well.

    Mark Kett

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Hi Mark,

    Wondering if you have had success getting your machine setup? I am in a similar position to your own though due to my own fault. I have a K2CNC KG2525HD which worked fine for the past year until I upgraded the KFLOP control board to the latest kmotion version 4.32 which appears to have erased all of my previous settings and now my machine is unusable. So I'm wondering if you have figured out how to get your machine running and hope I might learn something from you since our machines are probably very similar since mine was made in about 2013. I opened up the control box and found a KFLOP card, 4 servo drive cards with K2CNC stamped on them, and a motherboard also marked K2CNC. My motors are also unmarked and appear to have encoders on them. I can send you a PDF with all the pics and specs if you are interested. I'd be interested in seeing what your setup is. Hope you got everything figured out and look forward to hearing from you!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    my system is pretty close to yours. the only difference is a pair of boards with opto-isolated relays, driven by a k2cnc I/O board. my servos are unmarked. the servo driver has 4 spaces for plug in H drivers(sv_drv). did you ever get yours to work? [email protected]

  8. #8

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Hi Mark:
    Did you ever got your system working? I have a K2CNC that is missing the computer. I am trying to configure controller with computer, but I think i do not have the correct setting. It sounds like a similar system, with a slight difference controller, KG9850

  9. #9

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Your help will be appreciated

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    You might check this Thread there are some K2CNC files posted.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Quote Originally Posted by elflaco1964 View Post
    Hi Mark:
    Did you ever got your system working? I have a K2CNC that is missing the computer. I am trying to configure controller with computer, but I think i do not have the correct setting. It sounds like a similar system, with a slight difference controller, KG9850
    Hey! Time flies! Rebuilt with new motors, drives, controller, and software. Wish I could be more helpful.


  12. #12

    Re: New K2CNC (using flop) without manual or support. Need help with servo not holdi

    Quote Originally Posted by TomKerekes View Post
    You might check this Thread there are some K2CNC files posted.
    Thank you so much

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