I have a MultiCam 44+ that I bought used. It was inoperable at the time. I eventually gutted the control box and started over. I'm using the new G540 that was included in the purchase, the power supply and vfd for the spindle. I purchased a UC100 and after MUCH trouble I finally got it installed (hint .net has to be active in windows 10). I can use the Mach3 Trial to move all of the motors and I've used a couple of bits to clean up the vacuum grid table manually. I have never loaded gcode to run on this machine.
So..... Now What? My intent is for my wife and I to be able to use the CNC to create wood and HPE signs. She has extensive experience in 2d graphic design. I was going to buy Mach3 and VCarve Pro for these purposes. Then I saw how proud Vectric was of VCarve. Having said that Easel looks to me to be the easiest 2 & 2.5D way to get started and it has a relatively inexpensive price entry point. Of course, it runs GRBL. From what I can tell g540 won't run GRBL w/o doing a bunch of manipulation of the G-Code and I'm not there yet. UCCNC is a possibility. It's G540 friendly and I already have the UC100. I guess we could run Fusion360 but that would be totally different for her in terms of software. I've done quite a bit of 2d autocad 2014 so I'd probably be all right. Linux CNC has been mentioned to me but every GUI I've seen for it does not look easy at all.
I'm thinking about removing the G540 and going back to a break out/controller board, drivers, etc and using GRBL. This is really a pretty complex problem to get all the parts and pieces and software and languages to work together without plunking down another grand.
Any thoughts on how to get started on this inexpensively and without having to learn DOSish commands again? Maybe modifying the headers in GRBL G Code is no big deal. I don't know.
Am I missing something that will work with my g540, 3 axis only - 2.5 D Only right now? Hoping for some clarity.