Hello I have stama mc 110 cnc mill with fanuc 6m.
My spindle velocity control number is A06b-6044-H008 with top board A20B-0009-0530.
My spindle top board with number A20B-0009-0530 is now broken.
But on my machine fanuc 6m supose to have spindle top board with number
A20B-0009-0531.Some has replaced the original one with the 0530 before I bought the machine.And probably modified to work as 0531.
Now I bought another board with number A20B-0009-0532,the seller should have delivered me a card with the number A20B-0009-0531 but he gave me A20B-0009-0532.
Is it possible to modify the A20B-0009-0532 to work as A20B-0009-0531?