After receiving basically no help from our local Okuma tech guy I'm resorted to come here. I'm trying to turn a 5.25in diameter 28in long inconel shaft. I clamped a dead center into the sub spindle and synced the spindles. Ive already had to cheat using my M151, because one chuck has to be open to sync the spindles so I lied to it and said I was ID clamping on the sub spindle and moved the sensor just enough to be "unclamped" .

I am aware there is a g29 torque command which I want to run to keep a constant pressure on my W axis. Without it I've noticed while turning my W axis load starts to lower and I'm affraid to leave the machine while it's taking 2.5 hours to do this part.

The problem is when I run this code the program alarms and stops at the G29 line.

(Turn Rough1)
MT=05101 (DVJNL-164C VNMG-432*)
G29 PW=50
G00 X6. Z.1427 TL=01051051 BT=1 M602
G96 S850 M03

What am I doing wrong here?