Hi everyone,

It is some time now that we have a 40w laser vom Full Specturm (4th gen) in our hackerspace - so it is just obvious that one day we started to take it apart and see what we could improve...

Apart from obious things like replacing all that hot glue with actual connectors, we started with adding a motorized Z-axis - the connector is already on the controler-board ;-)

But now for the tricky bit: Some time ago - around the release of RetinaEngrave 4.0, FSE announced the availability of a control panel that connects directly to the machine. No more wireless keyboards and stuff... They even posted an image of a prototype on their board saying it would connect to the RS232-port provided on some controller boards.

Looking at our board: Yep, the connector is there! And when connecting a MAX232, I can even receive some small pieces of data every now and then. (After finishing jogging or engraving, sometimes a 0x02, 0x82 0xef, 0x82 0xff, 0x02 0x02 or other combinations are returned)

But that is also why I am posting here: Does anyone actually know the protocol that is expected to be used on this connection? Or does anyone have a control panel for this connector?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,