Trying to get my head around these servo drives. So the way this works if I have an encoder that has 384 pulses and since it has
2 channels you have then 384 * 4 = 1536 PPR(evolution) of the motor, correct?( number 4 because there are four edges from 2 channels?)
So if a single step transition is sent to the G320X the motor (if tuned PID correctly) will rotate one step in 1536? Is this correct?
If my assumptions are right then PID tuning is extremely important for the servo to start and stop to represent a single step with out
over or undershooting the encoder counts.
I can see how noise on the encoder outputs could contribute to step errors even though the PID tuning is right.
So at what point would you change the gain per the dip switch settings on the G320X from say the default setting? Which way would you
go on the setting?