Machine is a 1986 KM-3P with a single screen and AMTS BX-MPU.

The axes can be jogged without error. I used the conversational to write a sample program to move the X & Y a couple inches and drill a hole, then move to another location and mill a circle. The table movements look correct while doing a dry run with the spindle off. I'm using OPERTATE, Auto/ON, CHECK, START and then Spindle Down to step through.

However, if I try to run with the spindle on, the spindle runs for about 2 seconds and then shuts off. EMERGENCY STOP MOTION ERROR is displayed. I'm using OPERATE, Auto/ON, Spindle/ON, START (Motion Hold lights & message to verify gear and press start appears), START.

I'm new to CNC and just purchased this machine from an equipment dealer without any documents. I'm using a manual for a KMBX1 to learn about the control since the manual for a KM-3P has the Ultimax and this machine doesn't. Does it look like I'm doing something wrong? What should I check that could be causing this motion error? I can start the spindle and jog all of the axis manually without getting an error. It only errors when the spindle is running during a program and the table is called to move.

Thanks for any help,