Hi guys,

I am working on a Spasticity Detection Robot. My main objective is to control the SGMCS 10C3C11 using the Raspberry P-B board. I had an existing model of the robot which has the SGMCS motor + SGDV servo drive (controller).
But, the need for incorporating Raspberry Pi was that, SGDV servo drive was used by a software called SIgmawin.
But, Sigmawin did not give us enough flexibility in the control of the motor. It has some predefined inputs (eg: Forward direction x angle y speed , Reverse Direction k angle j speed).
I was able to control a small DC Servomotor with 3 Volts input.
So, using the same principle I want to control the bigger motor. So, I thought of using the DC-DC Boost and Inverter.

Do let me know, what is the right approach to get this.
