Hi all,

I have been writing a vba for creating parts ready for nesting. each part could have upto 3 - 4 variables which I have got sussed.

My problem is, I don't want to save each part individually, I want to move the part down ready for next part to be drawn, then when the next part is drawn, select all then move down again.

I have written the form and the code mainly from alphacam examples and excel forums, but this part is alphacam specific and they haven't provided an example.

The following is a sample of the code just for creating a square with a cutout for kickboard, not sure whether the move code should be at the end of here or in its own sub.

Public Sub createnestingpanelkb( _
length As Double, aaa As Double, kbheight As Double, kbdepth As Double)
Dim Drw As Drawing
Set Drw = App.ActiveDrawing

Dim Material As Path
Dim lyr As Layer
Set lyr = Drw.CreateLayer("squares")
lyr.Color = acamGREEN
Drw.SetLayer lyr
Dim tempFastGeo As FastGeometry
Dim doorgeo As Path
Set tempFastGeo = Drw.CreateFastGeometry
With tempFastGeo
.Point 0, aaa / 2
.Point 0, aaa
.Point length, aaa
.Point length, kbdepth
.Point length - kbheight, kbdepth
.Point length - kbheight, 0
.Point 0, 0
.Point 0, aaa / 2
Set doorgeo = .Finish
End With
doorgeo.ToolSide = acamLEFT
End Sub


Bespoke Kitchens Lincolnshire, Bespoke Furniture Lincolnshire