Has anyone successfully used that stepper with a HobbyCNC controller? If so, what connections are you using?

The controller is working great with a HobbyCNC 205oz 2A motor. I've got one of those and two KY56KM0s. When my HobbyCNC controller is powered up, it sets the COMs to power supply voltage (in my case, 34V,) A and b to 0V, and a and B to 34V. If I have any KY56KM0 coil connected between A and COM or b and COM, it raises everyone to 34V for no current. Does it think a KY56KM0 coil is a short and the protection is kicking in or is the problem that I haven't found the right permutation or ...? I've got vref dialed down to .07 volts, though I've tried it at .13 volts as well. Many thanks for any advice.

I am so excited to finally be at this point. I've got a 60 pound aluminum 10"x10"x4" workspace solid-bearing 3/4" steel rod CNC machine that I spent about two years on and off building. I drilled and tapped the last hole last weekend, and finally got to hear the sounds I've been imagining for so long and saw the dial indicator on the Z slide being awesome for the first time.