Howdy gang! I've got a little KX1 machine in Santa Rosa, CA. We've got it up and running with a few glitches sorted and a few more to solve. Right now though the biggest problem is mist control. I'm milling aluminum parts with a spray mist, doing a pile of circ terp, where chips need to be blasted out of the way. To make the air in the area breathable I've got a big-ass fan behind me so that the mist can be blown out an open garage door. This makes for fairly chilly conditions in winter! I've been looking around for mist control systems that would eliminate the need for an open shop but so far I haven't come up with anything affordable. The best bet seems to be the Royal 'Filtermist' system but prices start at $1,800 and I just can't justify that expense right now. If anyone's come up with an affordable solution I'd love to hear about it.
--Plan B is to make a new drip tray, one that fits around the 3-in. vise I'm using to hold parts, then switch to a flood coolant system. Lotsa sheetmetal work in my future I think! Would like to talk to anyone who's been there, done that, too.
--Have been slowly making widgets to make the machine a little more user friendly; I've put up a few photos here: