Hey all, I've been working here at the place im at for a few months now. When I began working here our Hurricane Laser cut everything pretty well, but over time it seems to just be problem after problem. We mainly cut Acrylic here where I work, and everything besides the AR2 seems to cut great. I'm curious as to any recommended settings or settings that work for others when cutting this material. It flames up almost every cut, or doesn't even cut through the material all the way. We have re aligned the laser, level the table, and done everything i could think of that may be causing issues. It seems to me that the air extraction system of the Hurricane laser isnt very good. How are fumes to extract whenever the vents are above the table, and the gasses have to work their way around the sheet of acrylic then up over top. But thats a whole nother issue i think!

When focusing the laser head, how far up inside the little holder do you guys have it? The one guy i work with states it should be low, however when its low it seems to wobble left and right so i always move it up a little. Im no laser pro, i was kind of just thrown into the process and im trying to figure everything out as i go. I feel like im all over the place with what i need help with as well, sorry if i confused anyone!. Need some help tho!

Issues im having in short; Lots of flame ups, unsuccessful cutting of AR2. On Hurricane Laser (120watts i believe)
Looking for recommended cutting settings, as well as how much air assist should be used? In PSI if possible..