Hi all
I'm the middle of a mess here so any/all help appreciated.
I'm swapping out my 1605 ball nuts for double nuts.
The Y axis was no problem but when I was putting the X axis double nut on
its screw it threaded on up to a point that was the start of the second nut and
stopped. I was able to back off and try again but each time it stopped. Possibly
related: the lead white plastic wiper wanted to push out after about 1 inch of threading.
I was able t continue with it slightly pushed out.

Are there too many balls in the nuts? r some other issue? Sure not looking try and
repack a double nut. These were as received up to this point. The key/ keyway between the
nuts looks normal. I made sure they stayed together with a piece of tape once I removed the
ribbon from the supplier.