Hello world,

I'm new to this community and this is my first post. I've tried searching for the answers to my questions, but to no avail so if you could please help it would be much appreciated!

I'm running LaserCut5.3 on a 150W GWeike LC 1290 and have two questions regarding its speed settings and minimum power setting.

I'm trying to cut a model airplane out of thin balsa wood such that the user can pop out the shapes and assemble the plane and im running into two problems.

1- when cutting along a curved line, the laser head moves much slower than when cutting along a straight line. even when the speed settings are the same (100speed 20 power) the result is that the material burns up where it goes too slow, and barely cuts through where it goes too fast. Is there a way to make these speeds equal? I have checked the machine settings for circle speed, and the machine has a limit of 150 for a 3cm radius which is faster than im trying to cut anyway. How do i make the machine speed up around the curves? its going so slow that its burning material even at minimum power settings.

2- I find if i set the power lower than 10 the laser does not even fire... is that normal? I'm trying to reduce the power of the laser and speed up the head to avoid burning, but the head slows down for the curves so much that i have to reduce the power. I'm finding no mater how fast i turn the speed up, the head slows down so much that i have to reduce the power to combat burning. The problem, is i cant go much lower on the power without it turning off entirely, and im still burning my material.

I'm sorry if this was tough to understand, but i hope i've done a decent job explaining my predicament.
tl;dr: despite speed setting, laser head slows down on curves so much so that it burns material even at lowest power setting. how do i get the head to go the same speed on the curves as it does on straights?

Thanks in advance!