The quality and stability of laser engraving machines are important points that many customers value. Because once you buy a poor quality laser engraving machine, the stability is very poor, such as,no laser beam comes out of the laser head, laser engraving effect is not stable, reset is not normal and other issues.

Below, Perfect Laser sums up thirteen common failures and solutions of laser engraving machines:
First, No laser beam comes out of the laser head
1, Press the test button on the operation panel to check the status of the ammeter:
1) No electric current: Check whether the laser power is connected, whether the high-voltage line is loose or falling off, and whether the signal cable is loose;
2) Have electric current: check whether the lens is broken, the light path is seriously offset;
2, Check whether the water circulation system is normal:
1) no water: check the water pump is damaged or no power;
2) water circulation system is normal: check whether the inlet, outlet is reversed and water pipes are broken;
3, can shoot, self-test, send data does not light (check the computer settings are correct)
Second,the engraving depth is not stable.
1, Check whether the water circulation system is smooth (water pipe bending or water pipe rupture);
2, check whether the focal length is normal (calibration);
3, check whether the optical path is normal (calibration);
4. Check whether the paper on the plate is too thick and whether the amount of water is too much (re-correction);
5, check whether the crossbeams are parallel
(adjust the two sides of the belt)
6, check whether the lens is broken (replace);
7, check whether the lens or laser tube transmitter is polluted (re-cleaning);
8, check whether the water temperature is higher than 30 °C (replace circulating water);
9, check whether the laser head or the focus lens is loose (tighten);
10, laser current light intensity must reach 8mA;
11, laser tube need to be replaced (replace);
12, lifting platform
Third, the reset is abnormal
1. Inspect the sensor for dust, poor contact, or damage (wipe the dust or replace the sensor);
2, check the flexible tape data cable is bad or damaged (trimmed data cable re-plug or replace the data cable);
3. Check whether the ground contact is reliable or whether the high-voltage wire is damaged (re-ground or replace the high-voltage wire);
4, poor contact of the motor cable.
Fourth, Missing engraved
1, the initialization is not correct, the data has been sent (correct);
2. The operation sequence is reversed (re-output);
3, electrostatic interference (check whether the ground is off);
4, computer problems (replace the host)
Fifth, hooks are misplaced or not closed
1. Whether the edited file is correct (re-editing);
2. Whether the selected target is over-published (re-selected);
3, check the software parameter settings are correct (reset);
4, the computer system is wrong (installment the operating system and software);
5. Check if the left and right belts are tight or if the rear belt is too loose (belt tightening);
6. Check whether the belt or the synchronous wheel slips or jumps (enhance the synchronous wheel or belt);
7. Check whether the crossbeams are parallel (re-adjust left and right belts);
Sixth, the computer can not output
1, check the software parameter settings are normal (reset);
2. Whether press the positioning start button first and then outputs (re-output);
3, check whether the machine did not reset in advance (re-correction);
4. Check whether the output serial port is consistent with the serial port set by the software (reset);
5. Check if the ground wire is reliable and whether the static electricity interferes with the data line (re-grounding);
6, replace the computer serial output test;
7. Install the software and reset the test;
8, format the computer system disk to re-install software testing;
9. The motherboard serial port needs to be repaired or replaced.
Seventh, the software can not calculate the path
1. Check whether the calculation method of the setting path is correct;
2, check the graphics file format is correct (re-correction);
3, uninstall the software, then re-install and set;
Eighth, computer FAQs
1, the font gradually reduced (installment the operating system);
2, too large amount of data, and can not calculate the laser path (wait for a while or increase the computer memory);
3, the calculation of laser path does not respond for a long time, restart the computer test.
Ninth, the "Advanced Settings" parameter settings are invalid
1. The correct use of this function is that remove the “read-only” attribute of Laser_c and systemic, and then configure the parameters according to the specific conditions of the machine.
2. After configuring the parameters, add the “read-only” attribute of Laser_c and systemic. And tell the user not to modify the parameters of this option.
Tenth, the size of the engraving/cutting sample is inconsistent with the size of the figure
Open the "Advanced Configuration" option,
1. Check whether the “motor step” is consistent with the actual step distance of the machine. The calculation method is: The circumference of the pulley / 200, the unit is mm.
2. Check if "Subdivision" is consistent with the number of subdivisions set on the drive.
3. Since the scale factors of Correlated 9.0 and Correlated 11.0 are not the same, it is recommended that only one of the versions of the system be used. The deviation of the scale factor is adjusted by the “motor step size”.
Eleventh, edges are uneven when scanning and engraving
When carving with DSP 3.2 engraving software, there may be a situation where the edge is uneven. This is mainly caused by mechanical backlash. The adjustment method is:
1, draw a box (rectangular or square), in the "layer management", set the work mode to engraving, change engraving step to 0.5mm, and then look at the engraving effect, in theory, it should be interlaced,that is,the edges of odd lines should be aligned and the edges of even lines should be aligned, but odd and even lines are slightly misaligned.
2, open the advanced configuration, in the bottom of the dialog box, there is a list of the processing parameters corresponding to the different engraving speed, but the "early light" item is all "0", this value can be positive or negative, adjust it according to the actual situation.
3. If you have high requirements for the engraving effect, you can choose the "one-way light" engraving method. Open "" to remove the hook in front of the S shape, but this will reduce work efficiency.
Twelve, PLT and BMP images cannot be aligned after hooking BMP with Correlated
Sometimes you need to engrave the BMP image and then cut it. This requires you to first hook the BMP image with Correlated, but it is difficult to align the PLT graphics and BMP images into the system. The solution is:
PLT and BMP are centered in Correlated, then output and transferred to the system.
Thirteen, sometimes the data is not output when pressing the “start”button.
In the processing of small graphics, sometimes there is a problem that the software does not respond after pressing the "Start" button. This is a normal phenomenon. In order to avoid the operator's desperation, the software won’t respond if the "start" button is pressed several times in succession, cause the software desperation. In general, you just need to wait a moment. If this will affect the production efficiency, you can set the “repeat number” to a relatively large value in “data output” and set the corresponding dwell time in “delay”.