As we finish and start working with machines, we soon discover that we must find a way to collect the wood dust.
I quickly came to realize that as I started turning a garage full of timber into sawdust.

FINE Wood Dust Is not only among the hardest of all dust of dusts to capture, but also among the most dangerous. We really MUST take care:

With Cyclones being so expensive, big space consuming monsters, inefficient, costly to operate and maintain.
I was left with no alternative but to set about redesigning 100yr old cyclone technology.

Result is a low profile, filter-less, 0.4 micron capture Cyclone
250mm high, 500 X 500mm which is about 1/5th the height of comparable industrial cyclones
Capturing down to 0.4 microns, is about 20 times more efficient than comparable industrial cyclones.
NO Filters, is unmatched with any comparable industrial cyclones
Full flow, Single drop box 130mm duct.

No expensive filters for me, My DIY has been Working now for over 12 months,