Hello all!

It's been quite a while I have been here and now I am returning to the hobby (CNC building machines)

I have never really be keen on learning CAD but nowadays, there are quite a few very good programmes for free available to the hobbyist.
Right now I have on my machine for evaluation:
- DesignSparks Mechanics
- Freecad
- Sketchup

DesignSpark Mechanic (DSM) is quite efficient and indeed easy to learn but I find that precision drawings and dimensionning a bit hard to do

Sketchup made me go mad at one point because very complex drawing features are easy to do, but some very basic tasks are so frustratingly complex to do ( and array of holes in a plate for exemple!)

Freecad looks promising but I installed it only last night and did not give it a real shakeup as of yet...

Those of you who use free CAD softwares, what are your tools of choice and why....
But also for those of you who rejected one or another software, why?

Curious to see what you are thinking....
Sincerely, Luc