I have installed an AWC708 Lite on my Laser Build and it seems to be having a few issues. The first is that with the default settings it will not run my stepper motors. I've tested the drivers and steppers with another breakout board and they work fine. Also, I'm trying to read a configuration to the controller from LaserCad and when I press "read" all my changes disappear. I've tried uploading the changes first and then downloading them back to lasercad and this works to some degree but only with some parameters. For example, hardware limit check doesn't stay checked after reading to the controller. What the? \
So my major problem is the steppers don't turn. They are in hold mode whenever the power is turned on, but the controller won't apparently send the right signal pulses to make the steppers rotate. Any one have any ideas or seen anything like this? Is the controller a dud?

Any experience or suggestions that might help would be appreciated

Edit; Same day 10 hours later. found that switching the polarity of the leads from the controller to the stepper drivers fixed the problem. I was using an old trocen drawing for the wiring and it looked that the 5V should be connected to the - pulse and - dir ports on the stepper drivers. This fixed the steppers not turning problem. I'm still learning how to tune the steppers but that's a whole other issue. Most of my problems appear to be disconnect between the chinglish instructions and the actual operation of the software and hardware. But I'll figure it out... and will probably have more questions before it's all over. Thanks again all.