Hello, I am a newbie to CNC Routing, this is my first machine. Weighed all my options and ended up going with a Routakit SDX, whether or not that was the best choice we'll leave for another time. Right now my goal is to actually get this thing up and running. Being a newbie to the entire process, from building, to software, has put me dead in the water. I've gotten through the build process, but when everything is powered up it just sits there like a rock. I would assume that I would even be able to hear some kind of humming mechanical sound, but nothing.

So hear is the low down:
Motors: Openbuild 1.8 /Step
Contoller: PlanetCNC USB controller Mk 3/4
Motor Drivers: Planet CNC MotorDriver 2.5A
Power Supply: Minger 24V

Software: PlanetCNC USB Controller
CAD/CAM: Haven't gotten there yet.

I've enclosed some pictures.
