Wondering if anyone has ever had to adjust the axis that the spindle rotates on, the pitch axis I believe. I can change the 'home' position of the axis to make the spindle straight up and down inline with that axis, but on the side (90 degrees) it is off by almost .001" over a 6" test mandrel. It is something that must be adjusted physically, can't be comped. There must be somewhere that they shim it or something? It's like the bearing on the left side of the pitch axis needs to come up a smidge, or vice versa.

I'm hoping there is some Fidia master out there that can help me shed some light on this. I am eventually going to get into aligning the spindle for RTCP, but I would like to make the machine as straight and true as I can FIRST before I start that process. Thank you for your time!
