I know, This is a common Occurrence, but I Am Stumped. I've read all sorts of problems, but none seem to meet my criteria.

My experience is limited but have played with a 3d printer/miller/Laser Engraver (Boxzy) for about the last year. It doesn't use GRBL. I am not an electronics wizard by any means, Most of my knowledge comes from countless hours of Youtube.

I am trying to make 1 stepper motor turn using GRBL Mega Version. Once I get one moving, I plan on Adding more.

I've Flashed it to my Arduino Mega and have a GRBLDuino Shield Attached to it.

I'm using Universal G Code sender to send a G Code to the Mega.

Power Supply is 19.1V 190Watt max. So plenty of power.
I've supplied the Arduino with 5 Volts as I've found out that the shield doesn't supply power to the Arduino.

I'm using Pololu DRV8825 Stepper Drivers.
I have followed the procedure from pololu on setting up the driver for max current. I have it set at 200ma which should be proper with the 0.4amp rating of the motor.

The Motor is a small Bipoler Stepper motor. Nema 17. Rated for 0.4 amps per phase. It does say 12Volts on my Data Sheet. But from what I've read I can run 19 volts for short periods of time.

I've got 19.1 volts when I test the driver across the motor power supply. (Vmot - GND)
I've got 5 Volts when I test the driver across Gnd - Sleep & Gnd - RESET
My jumper settings are set to 1/16 step according to my datasheet on the GRBLDuino

Universal G Code Settings
Firmware = GRBL
Port = COM3
Baud = 115200

I Click Connect and my console comes up with my GRBL Settings And is in a State of Alarm

(UGC Console Output)


**** Connected to COM3 @ 115200 baud ****
Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]
>>> $$
[MSG:'$H'|'$X' to unlock]
$0 = 10 (Step pulse time, microseconds)
$1 = 255 (Step idle delay, milliseconds)
$2 = 0 (Step pulse invert, mask)
$3 = 0 (Step direction invert, mask)
$4 = 0 (Invert step enable pin, boolean)
$5 = 0 (Invert limit pins, boolean)
$6 = 0 (Invert probe pin, boolean)
$10 = 1 (Status report options, mask)
$11 = 0.020 (Junction deviation, millimeters)
$12 = 0.002 (Arc tolerance, millimeters)
$13 = 0 (Report in inches, boolean)
$20 = 0 (Soft limits enable, boolean)
$21 = 0 (Hard limits enable, boolean)
$22 = 1 (Homing cycle enable, boolean)
$23 = 0 (Homing direction invert, mask)
$24 = 500.000 (Homing locate feed rate, mm/min)
$25 = 2000.000 (Homing search seek rate, mm/min)
$26 = 250 (Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds)
$27 = 5.000 (Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters)
$30 = 1000 (Maximum spindle speed, RPM)
$31 = 0 (Minimum spindle speed, RPM)
$32 = 0 (Laser-mode enable, boolean)
$100 = 80.000 (X-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$101 = 80.000 (Y-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$102 = 4000.000 (Z-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
$103 = 8.889
$104 = 8.889
$110 = 1200.000 (X-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$111 = 9000.000 (Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$112 = 300.000 (Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
$113 = 1440.000
$114 = 1440.000
$120 = 300.000 (X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$121 = 300.000 (Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$122 = 100.000 (Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$123 = 100.000
$124 = 100.000
$130 = 200.000 (X-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
$131 = 200.000 (Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
$132 = 200.000 (Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
$133 = 360.000
$134 = 180.000
>>> $G
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]


I can then Send the Code "$X" to go to a state of idle

Now is when my problems come into play

Jogging the "X" direction will not do an damn thing to the motor.
UGS will tell me that the x axis has moved and I can continue to play with it in all directions but nothing moves.

After playing around a bit I have managed a few noteworthy things.

Disconnecting and connecting has on occasion made the motor twitch once like it does on my 3d printer when I connect to the computer. So I know that there is power making it to the motor.

I once had the motor very difficult to manually turn. But have not been able to recreate that and don't know what I did to get it or lose it.

I have no limit switches wired in.
I have tested the pairs of the motor to make sure that they match the data sheet provided.
I have tested with multiple stepper drivers.
I have taken GRBL out of the equation and run the stepper motor using a simple Arduino code and the Stepper Driver to control it. Motor Works fine.

For some reason my instinct tells me it's a software issue or GRBL Setting issue that I'm not aware of.
I don't think its a wiring issue. (Although I could be wrong) it should be as simple as power the shield and Mega. Then the 4 wires to the motor.