1. I pressed the button Home, - to home all axis (see file HOME_Axis.c). Machine start to go home, and during this I turned off the power.
2. After 15 sec. I turn on the power. But in the screen of KmotionCNC all my axis are yellow.
3. I restart computer and machine, in the screen of KmotionCNC all my axis are still yellow.
4. In the screen of Kmotion > Axis, I found that axis 0, 1, 2, 3 are NOT Enable - somewhat unchek the boxes. Trying Enable axis, - but program don’t allow me to do this (it unchecks the box). But it allows me to Enable other axis 4, 5, 6, 7 - I don’t use these axis.
5. I download in the Flash User Memory the file – see InitKStep4Axis.c. It doesn’t help, – after restarting machine, all axis are yellow, and in the menu Kmotion > Axis, I can’t Enable axis.

How to Enable axis 0, 1, 2, 3? Why program don’t allow me to do this (it unchecks the boxes)?