I started playing around with some of the API stuff today and what you can do is pretty cool, but I am having a problem running the python demo's (all the test0x.py scripts). When I run those I get this dialog when PlaneCNC starts.

If I hit ok on that button and go into settings I also get this error when I check Python.

If I grant the "Computer\Users" group modify permissions that first error goes away, but I still have the second problem, which means I can run any Python scripts

This is on a Windows 10 computer that is fully patched.

This was of running a Python script is not so elegant either, as you end up with a python console window as well as the PlanetCNC window. I am not sure if it is possible, but maybe a nicer approach would be to be able to specify a script in the settings that would get spawned as a separate thread at startup. That would avoid having the Python console window and maybe solve the permission problems. The script I am using to start PlanetCNC subscribes to some topics on a MQTT Home Assistant server that controls things like an AirCompressor, Dust Extractor and Vacuum. I have got it so that when they get turn on buttons in PlanetCNC also change state. The buttons also work to turn things on/off if Python is available (ie. just run PlanetCNC by itself).

Hopefully I am not completely missing the point of how all this is meant to hang together.
