Hi guys, I'm currently building a turret for my lathe and could use some help with the macro. It's a ratchet type turret which indexes and backs up onto the ratchet. Any ways, i'm not good at coding at all and could use some help. I've saved the following code to the M6start macro but I get a compile error anytime I try to do a tool change. I have no idea what's wrong and could use another set of eyes on it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dim Num_Tools As Integer
Dim Ang_Move As Integer
Dim Req_Tool As Integer
Dim Current_Tool As Integer
Dim Lock_Move As Integer
Dim CW_Feed As Integer
Dim CCW_Feed As Integer
Dim Moves As Integer

Num_Tools = 12 'number of tools on turret
Ang_Move = 360/Num_Tools 'angular rotation per tool
Req_Tool = GetSelectedTool()
Current_Tool = GetCurrentTool()
Lock_Move=15 'distance to move back onto paw to lock

'Start tool change

If Req_Tool < 1 Then
Message"Tool number too low"
Code "M30"
End If

If Req_Tool = Current_Tool Then
'do nothing
'do tool change
If Req_Tool > Current_Tool Then Moves = (Req_Tool - Current_Tool) * Ang_Move
If Req_Tool < Current_Tool Then Moves = (Num_Tools - Current_Tool + Req_Tool) * Ang_Move
End If

'move to safe position
Code "G0 G53 X-.25 Z-.25"
Code "G04 P0.5"
'index turret
Code "G91 G94"
Code "G01 A" & Moves + 10 & "F" & CW_Feed
Code "G01 A-" & Lock_Move & "F" & CCW_Feed
While IsMoving()

SetCurrentTool Req_Tool
SetUserDRO 1500 , Req_tool
Code "G90"
Code "F" & Current_Feed