Hi There! I'm new to this forum and a bit of a newbie with my Nextwave Pirahna XL and Vetric's Vcarve. I'm working on a simple 3/16" slot for drawer bottom inserts. I discovered that the software had issues when the tool size was equal to the profile width, and when I dropped the tool down to 1/8 it worked. All other programs are working fine. But when I mirrored the drawing for the other side, the machine freaked out again. It gets stuck for 10 seconds on the dwell command, then moves about 5 inches randomly and freezes with the router still running. It's seems to release from the dwell command, then buzz through all other commands faster than the machine can move, and then end the program. Removing the dwell command had the same result, just without the dwell.

Any thoughts? The "Right" code is working but the "Left" is not. Both attached.

Please help! Thanks in advance.
