
Please see the hi-res photo here: objectivelyspoken.com/uploads/20210124_142711.jpg

This is a machine just delivered to my garage that I have yet to power up.

Before the machine was moved, the technician removed the Regen Resistor Box at the top of cabinet. This means he disconnected the regen cables. I have now connected the regen resister cable, and the regen overheat connector on P20 (above P15 on the left). According to the Mitsubishi spindle drive instructions the Regen Resister connects to P and PR so this seems where it should go.

Now I have noticed there are four 3-pin male connectors on the right side of the IOPCB that are bare:

They are P57, P58, P5(110), and P54(350).

There are also 5 female connectors hanging loose. (You can see them hanging on the right just in the shot.)

Er...did the technician remove these to get the Regen cable loose?

Must I plug them back in?

Does anyone have a shot of their cabinet they can email me showing what is plugged in and what is not.

This is a 1996 model. I don't yet have three phase power installed.

