I'm looking to trigger my parts counter using a custom M code determined in parameter #6710, the M code in particular I'm trying to use is M54. I still want to leave M2/M30 for counting I just wanted to specify another M code for I can use for counting with parameter #6710.

My parameter settings are as follows.


Bit 0 = 0

Bit 1 = 0


Set to 54

After setting these parameters though, when I punch in M54 and try to run in MEM or MDI mode, the M54 just hangs. The parts counter increase +1 and the cycle time continues running but it just hangs on the M54 without completing. Wondering if anyone knows why this would be happening?

I tried a bunch of other unused M codes and they also hang to, regardless if I entered any of those numbers in parameter #6710 or not they simply hang there.

Thanks for any help.