We have Amada Vipros 2510C with FANUC 18i-PB Controller.
We have been using RS232 since years however it has given us its fair share of problems. Majorly we had a burnout issue on main board due to RS232 (Not exactly sure how/why it happened) costing us a lot.

This prompted us to try other i/o devices. We tested the memory card slot near LCD but that is also non-functional. Floppy disc drive is also non-functional. That leaves us to use the RS232 again or buy a new DNC device which the sales guys are asking us to do.

We noticed there is a Ethernet port also on the controller back and wonder if that can be used to the program transfer. I have tried scratching through online manuals but nothing concrete I could find. I asked our repairs guy and he said it is possible but he does not have any information on how to do it.

Does anyone here can help us with this. I would really appreciate it.